Life's short Live it up!

Today I say GoodBye to my Home

June 9th, 2009 · 8 Comments

I must have written this post a couple of times in my mind… but am all blank now…

The time has finally come for me to say good bye to my home in Santacruz. We have to vacate the place today… I went there to have my last dinner knowing that i wont be walking in those streets ever…

Most of the things have been moved into a garage… Our home is almost empty… In the next couple of days they gonna demolish the building to build a new one… [sadly we wont be moving in back unless i can raise a couple of Crores in the next 1 year]

The Sheth family have been staying in this house for more then 65 years. My grandfather when he moved to bombay took up this place which was close to the railway station and also to Podar school where he was a teacher…

My brother and I were raised here… The place was small but never felt so… Our doors were always open inspite of me telling my mom to be careful and not let it be open all the time… It was a perfect place to grow up… lots of trees around, a big playground and lots of kids… add to it school friends namely Hitesh staying just a building away and my cousin Mihir in the next lane…

Some things i will always remember like all the kids learning to cycle, watching movies at neighbours place, bursting crackers in divali, flying kites, friends coming over, buying our first refrigerator and tv, going out every new year to juhu beach, bullying my brother to go out with me, all of us playing carrom or cards at nite after dinner, going for juice… going to beach in the morning for walk…

Everything was close by… the beach, bandra, airport and the railway station!

When i think practically this move is right and about time… But when i think from my heart i just dont want to let go… but i know it will be difficult to hang on to this place… some point of time i will have to move away…

Akhand Jyoti #1,
8th Road,
Santacruz East,
Bombay 400055

I shall miss you…

Update: Spent an hour at home…  mom/dad left at 430pm… there was nothing to do for them… the house was empty…  I sat for a while and visited our neighbours…Spent some time with my bro in the house…

At 5:45pm I locked the house and handed the keys over…

Emotionally Drained.

Tags: General

8 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Annkur // Jun 9, 2009 at 1:52 am

    I gaze on the moon as I tread the drear wild,
    And feel that my mother now thinks of her child,
    As she looks on that moon from our own cottage door
    Thro’ the woodbine, whose fragrance shall cheer me no more.
    Home, home, sweet, sweet home!
    There’s no place like home, oh, there’s no place like home!

  • 2 Manan // Jun 9, 2009 at 1:56 am

    Reminded me of how I felt when we moved from the area where I grew up. Never felt the same about my new house. Still remember those days … the friends, the post-dinner badminton, the cricket in the ground … yeah my old building had its own big ground. Somewhere I lost a part of me when I moved.

    All the best to you. Better things await.

  • 3 Pallavi // Jun 9, 2009 at 10:29 am

    Things happen for a reason and they always happen for the better! However, certain things/people remain in our hearts forever…and so will your house 🙂

  • 4 Priyanka Dalal // Jun 10, 2009 at 10:40 am

    I have lived in three, four different houses… actually 5.. don’t know what else to say.

  • 5 Amit Agarwal // Jun 15, 2009 at 5:10 pm

    Landed here via Twitter.

    A very touching post. I know it must have been a very emotional moment for you and your family.

  • 6 Kunal // Jun 15, 2009 at 6:41 pm

    Thank you everyone for your comments…

    @manan ouch… i kn what u mean

    @priyanka o wow… how did u cope with so much moving around?

    @Amit yeah what worries me is the circle my dad n mom had… they will hv to build it all over again…

  • 7 Kunal // Jun 15, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    Hi amit,
    Thank you for your comment…

    Both my dad n mom are v active in santacruz… moving away will surely put a stop to that… good news is that we just signed papers for the new house 2 hours back.. its a lil far from santacruz but am hoping they love it there…


  • 8 *KHUSHI* // Jun 29, 2009 at 10:32 am

    *Sigh* I can feel ur pain… wel thn also u r with ur fmaily.. bt think abt us, Ladies, who hv to leave each n every memory behind once she get married …
    U inspiered me to write one peom on dis.. thanks…

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