For a very long time now I been wanting to open a Vada Pav Stall! Yes nothing new about it. There are 10,000+ Vada Pav stalls in bombay doing pretty well and i was not doing anything different…
There are two places where i want to have one stall each, Bandra Kurla Complex and Kharghar…
Bandra Kurla Complex coz when i used to pass that place there was not even one eating joint! and same for Kharghar… my brother studied there and kept complaining about not even getting a Vada Pav…
So in Phase I i would want a Vada Pav Stall which will over a period of time start selling Sandwhiches and Cold drinks… Graduallly there will be grill sandwhiches and a fresh Juice counter…
As i am writing this i am thinking why not add Chaat counter and dosa counter to it over a period of one year 😉
So if you wondering if i am going to be sitting at these stalls… No i wont be… I will finance/Initiate the entire process… The actual running is what i will have to get someone to do…
Now before you jump your horses… I am not opening one right away… Its just something i want to do for a long time and not even sure if i will ever do it 🙂
But if i do, everything will be on the house for you 😉
12 responses so far ↓
1 Vivek Khandelwal // Sep 27, 2008 at 11:35 am
how bout u put that money in a microfinance company..n somebody would give u stakes ..;)
2 Manan // Sep 28, 2008 at 11:21 am
This just made me remember one of my Startup idea.
3 Ankesh Kothari // Sep 28, 2008 at 11:52 pm
Cool dream Kunal.
But why be limited by space? Go with a vadapav van. That can be parked at the busiest spot.
Cheaper than buying or renting a space.
(I’ve always wanted to sell icecreams by van in Mumbai. It was sell like hot cakes in Mumbai’s hot weather. And we wouldn’t have to invest as much as say Baskins or someone…)
4 Mahen // Sep 29, 2008 at 6:52 pm
One Branch (thela) at Mhada 7banglows for old time sake ….:)
5 Pallavi // Oct 6, 2008 at 12:31 pm
oh yeah, I’d almost forgotten about your wada-pav stall start – up….
6 ankita // Oct 6, 2008 at 12:43 pm
can i be a partner in it;)
7 Raxit Sheth // Oct 8, 2008 at 7:29 pm
Are you looking for Co-Founder ? i can think of ! 🙂
8 Loknath Swain // Oct 10, 2008 at 4:22 pm
I am new to your blog ! Oh much life here !!! Ah ! yha to ….again another camp of good times and ideas ! I shall keep visiting your blog regularly! In fact, I was not aware of your blog !!!!
So keep me in mind and invite me to the opening day your vadapao enterprise !!!!
9 meetu // Nov 11, 2008 at 12:48 pm
>> everything will be on the house for you!
Cool…chaat counter sooner rather than later please!
10 Shankar pillai // Dec 5, 2008 at 11:45 pm
wonderful desire, go head, i feel khargar will be more ideal. we match in our thought – enterprising venture first time, but with work and dedication, will make great taste, great money, n great satisfiying feel. Let ur dream bloom to come true, Good Luck.
11 Monica // Feb 19, 2011 at 11:03 am
Kunal I have been talking about starting a vada pav stall for a couple years I wouldreally like to do this as an initiative for women who are motivated to work but have no jobs would you help me
12 Anon // Mar 30, 2011 at 7:11 pm
It’s not that easy though, the BMC and local goons will make life hellish for you before you even start.
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