Laura is my first chat friend. I know her for like 10 years now! We are not in touch as much as we would like thanks to the hectic work schedule. Anyways here is something i had written for her long back.
In a far off land
i hv a friend
In the land of kangaroos she stays
i hope to india a visit she pays
Her name is laura n her nick is sunshine
to know her the pleasure is all mine
Shes tall, pretty and smart
and has a generous heart.
I write to her when i am down and out
she peps me up to fight the bout
She understands me so well
at times i dont even hv to tell
She can fill my day with joy and laughter
i am always happy thereafter
I kn her now for a couple of years
and she knows my strength and fears
We have seen each other through glory and pain
my best wishes for u will always remain
I have loads of work to do
but when u need me i will be there for u
I hv her snap on my softboard at place
always i can see her smiling face
7 responses so far ↓
1 Reeteshinator // Aug 8, 2008 at 12:09 am
Wow, thats really nice! And you’ve known her since 10 years on the internet? thats cool! Which portal did you meet her first , may I ask π
2 Manan // Aug 8, 2008 at 12:16 am
Reetesh, 10 years back chances were that the person on the other end was a female if she claimed to be so. Today … π
3 Reeteshinator // Aug 8, 2008 at 12:45 am
π yeah on the internet there is a goooood chance that its not a “female” one is talking to π
But seeing that Kunal has been talking to her since 10 years, I am under the impression that they video chatted (which is the only way to know btw π ) and hnc he KNOWs that its a she.
But yeah. the anonymity internet offers sure has sprung up very strange characters!
4 Laura aka Sunshine // Aug 8, 2008 at 5:11 am
Ohhhhhh Kunal π That is so sweet. I have never had anyone write a poem for me before! Thank you.
I am so glad that we did meet in that chat room all those years ago, and even tho it’s not as often as we’d like, we do still keep in touch. I also have your smiling photo on my corkboard at home, and your emails and kind messages always bring joy and happiness to my day.
For all you cynics – I agree about the anonymity of the internet, however I assure you I am most definitely female!
Kunal – the pleasure is all mine π I hope one day to meet your smiling face in real life.
Laura (aka Sunshine)
5 Kunal // Aug 8, 2008 at 1:22 pm
lol @ Reetesh/Manan π
Well 10 years back there were no portals. Met her on IRC. Yes i have seen her and spoken to her a few times.
Back then were still the “innocent days” when guys were guys and didnt pretend to be girls π
6 Anamika // Aug 8, 2008 at 7:41 pm
wow! chat friends are for real?
7 Reeteshinator // Aug 8, 2008 at 9:44 pm
Hehe..btw I did believe that Sunshine was a girl.. and I JUST realised what manan meant by that comment π (tube light moment)
I didn’t ask where you met her for myself to go and find my sunshine π but I just asked for the sake of conversation and you recollecting your memories π
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