Shachi… the most adventurous girl i have ever met! All of us would drop in at her place and play badminton and hog sandwhiches n puri aachar… Shes been there for me whenever i needed someone… Thank you Shachi..
Something i had written for her 7 years back!
There’s a girl called Shachi
shes tall and very pretty
Her hair are long and silky
which makes all the guy go crazy
She always does things her way
but never forgets to pray
I Wonder how time has gone by
11 years have flown by
Theres so much I would like to say
all the things you hv done for me
but I wish I had words flow my way
Just want to tell you one thing shach
I miss you very much
I Always pray
in my next life I hv a frnd n sis like thee
and you dont stay so far from me.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Sathya // Aug 16, 2008 at 6:30 am
o_0 didn’t know you were such a great poet!
2 Bindi Mehta // Mar 10, 2009 at 8:29 pm
This one just brings home a sense of familiarity, like I know Shachi or something. This is the first entry I read on your blog and will remember always.
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