Life's short Live it up!

About Kunal Sheth

Moi Howdy! Welcome to my blog… I am Kunal Sheth. i run a couple of websites and plan for a few more in the coming year.

[Lousiest About us page]


17 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Juzar // Nov 22, 2008 at 6:43 pm

    he he he … I am sure you have done more illustrious stuff apart from mere website development 😉

  • 2 Kunal // Nov 22, 2008 at 8:01 pm

    lol 🙂 Yes dude i know… but cant put that here right now… At the right time i shall def update this 😉


  • 3 Czaie // Nov 25, 2008 at 11:39 pm

    Hey Mr. Sheth,
    Love your poetry…but I’m never going to let you forget how mad I am at you. You know WHY. You will NEVER see my face on the face of the earth…don’t you DARE laugh…I mean every word.

  • 4 Sandeep // Dec 13, 2008 at 2:53 am

    Hi Kunal,

    Hope you well and good..i am writing with regards to the above site as we are a new start up need you help in publishing and writing a review about it..

    I am writing this email with regards to pubishing our website on your blog, as we a unique startup with unquie features and tools.
    My name is Sandeep Gulati. I am the founder of an Online baby diary ( Can you please review this site in your blog.

    Hiraj is a detailed online baby journal and diary for parents. It allows parents to record wonderful memories of their child’s days and share those moments with friends and family from around the world.
    Hiraj helps you to keep track of your child’s early days, everyday growth and milestones achieved based on sharing with contacts from around the world and letting them updated of all the day to day landmarks.

    Please we will really appreciate if you could write about our site and review on your blog.



  • 5 Abhishek Purohit // Feb 3, 2009 at 1:45 pm

    Hello Mr. Sheth,

    I am Abhishek, I wish to enquire if you work as freelancer on projects. I am looking out for someone to create an online Social Networking portal. Do give me little details about your past work & you interest in the same.


  • 6 Amit // Mar 1, 2009 at 11:11 pm

    Hey Kunal, I’ve heard you are a “Management Guru” now

  • 7 Rahul Dewan // Jun 4, 2009 at 6:57 am

    Thanks for connecting on Twitter.
    Don’t love your job – come and join Srijan; attempting to create a humane and loving workplace (and succeeding a bit) 🙂

  • 8 Rahul Dewan // Jun 4, 2009 at 6:59 am

    Hey sorry! I was reading two blogs at the same time; The jobs remark was for someone else. You could delete these remarks, I guess.


  • 9 Bindi Mehta // Aug 4, 2009 at 11:08 pm

    Hey, congratulations!! The blog completes a year today nah. I thought I would see an update here today. There is none. 🙁 Hope to see some interesting posts here in the months to come.

  • 10 NEHA AHUJA // Dec 25, 2009 at 12:14 am

    Hi Kunal,

    We would like to submit our start up for review on your website. is the brainchild of Amit Aggarwal ,an IIT Mumbai Engineer for building vocabulary online. The website is one of its kind and uses out-of-the-box idea to people retain and recall new words. It has become extremely popular in a short span of time. A review from your website would go a long way in helping the start up reach out to a larger audience.

    Mnemonic Dictionary (MD) helps in learning and remembering word and it’s meaning easily by providing memory aids (called mnemonics) for each word. Mnemonics connect to-be-remembered meaning of words with a systematic and organized set of images or words that are already firmly established in long-term memory and can therefore serve as reminder cues.

    We would really appreciate if you write about on your website.

    Looking forward to a review from you.

    Neha Ahuja
    Team Mnemonic Dictionary

  • 11 vishal kadakia // Feb 3, 2010 at 2:29 pm

    hey dude remember me?

  • 12 Kunal // Feb 3, 2010 at 2:31 pm

    Ofcourse Vishal i remember you… how can i forget the pizza+beer party where you had come… how are things with you?

  • 13 MANSI // Jun 14, 2011 at 4:17 pm

    Hey Kunal,

    Hi! I was browising on the google and came across ur article on change of format from .nbu to .vcf……

    I’m neither a very computer savvy person nor a very techno savvy person…. I’m facing the same issue of transferring mu contact data from a N70 to my new samsung galaxy phone…..

    i need a step by step guidance fo the same, I’ve all the data saved on my pc through a Pc Suite……

    If you can plz help,I shall heartly appreciate, as I’ve a data of 293 nos…….too much to store one by one.

  • 14 Garima Obrah // Dec 30, 2011 at 11:10 am

    Hi Kunal

    I write to you on behalf of The Viewspaper ( which is India’s largest youth paper and the 5th largest media company on Facebook.

    We are organizing the World’s Largest Tweet-A-Thon! and would like to invite you as a panelist for the same.

    From American political journalists in the 1950s, to The Economist magazine not so long ago; speculation has run rife about India and whether we will survive as a nation.

    Poverty. Corruption. Terrorism. Disease. Currency woes. We’ve got it all, and more. We’ve been written off, doomsdayed, delegitimized – but we keep coming back! What is the root of this appetite for adversity, this solid resilience?

    It is our nation’s optimism. No matter how much you bring her down, India feels up!

    A first of its kind initiative, the #IFeelUp Tweetathon is a 3-day virtual conference, which delights in the irrepressible state of the nation, in spite of its laundry list of issues. Over 72 hours, we’ll be bringing in 400 panelists for non-stop discussion, and that’s where you come in.

    We would like to invite you as a panelist for a 30 minute session wherein you can participate from any part of the world.

    If you’re interested, kindly email us your contact information so that we could provide you with more details about the event.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    Garima Obrah
    The Viewspaper

  • 15 Pallavi // Apr 21, 2012 at 3:23 am


    I am doing my internship in a co. called PoshVine. I need some info for my project. Can u plz hsare ur email id so dat we can communicate further. Thanks 🙂

  • 16 Madhavan // Aug 12, 2015 at 5:52 pm

    Many many thanks for guiding me to Nbu explorer. Solved major headaches for me in transfer of contacts to Android!

  • 17 Ajay Renganathan // Mar 26, 2020 at 2:22 am

    Fast Forward 2019 – About time you got this ball rolling too Kunal . We really miss you !!

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