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Terrorists attack Mumbai (Bombay) – The Saga Ends

November 29th, 2008 · 2 Comments

29th Nov 2009

Nariman house at Colaba is finally secured. 5 hostages and 2 terrorists were killed during the operation officially named “Black Tornado“.

Earlier in the day all hostages from Oberoi-Trident hotel were rescued and terrorists killed. One thing which scares me is that the terrorists were well dressed and spoke good english… they could have easily escaped along with other hostages…

From what i have heard the number of people shot dead in Oberoi hotel is far more from what appears and is seen in the TV channels.

Operation Cyclone” is currently underway at Taj hotel

  • NSG Terrorist changing position inside Taj hotel [00:23 am]
  • 3-4  Terrorist could be holed up at Taj hotel
  • Two terrorist cornered by NSG commandos [00:34]
  • Operation Cyclone is still on. 3 terrorist killed in Taj heritage wing [9:10am]
  • Terrorist had 15kg of RDX on them. Plan was to blow up Taj hotel
  • Death toll at 195! [1:00 pm]
  • The saga ends!

Its over! The police have taken charge of the hotels and are combing it for bombs. Tons of innocent lives have been lost. I am not sure how long it will take to identify each body before it is handed over to their respective family.

I am emotionally drained and i was not even caught in the terror attack directly. Like lot of people around the world i have been following this. Every morning when we would get up we would put the TV on to see if the operations have been over and successful. I know a few people who have lost their loved ones at the Taj hotel and Oberoi hotel. I dont think i will ever be able to understand or feel what they must have gone through sitting in the safe confines of my house. I pray they get the courage to get over this and able to live their lives to the fullest.

I hope the police are able to understand from the terrorist what made them do this! Everytime i see the pic of one of the terrorist which is flashed on all channels i keep wondering how can he be so cruel going on killing people including kids. What was told to him and made to understand when he set out towards bombay.

The government/intel agencies in India DO SOMETHING! Politicians are all useless. They are selfish shameless bastards. I am like many others sure that nothing is going to be learnt from this attack and after a few years same thing will happen and the politicians repeating the same speech.

Lot of people are talking about bringing a change. I am not sure how? I hope they dont forget in the next couple of days…


Terrorists attack Mumbai (Bombay) Nov 26th 2008 The Begining

Terrorists attack Mumbai (Bombay) Nov 27th 2008 The Battle Continues

Terrorists attack Mumbai (Bombay) Nov 28th 2008 2 down 1 to go

Important Helpline Numbers of different hospitals, consulates, blood bank.

List of People Injured and Shot Dead by Terrorists in Mumbai

Tags: General

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 namrata // Nov 29, 2008 at 11:36 pm

    Its high time we all wake up to this situation and do something about it. We need to make sure people are made accountable for them not to be to fullfil their duties. The nsg, the blackcat commandos, the navy have done such a good job despite the facilities that are given. I saw one of the jawans in his interviews saying “nothing is impossible for us”. Isnt it true. Cant we make it possible to have a safe india to live in.

    I hope the efforts and the scarfice of all our soldiers and the our soldiers who have died in this is not in vain. We learn from this and act now.

  • 2 John Spear // Dec 2, 2008 at 7:43 am

    Greetings from Lake Placid, NY, about 2 hours south of Montreal. I’m a teacher an administrator at a small secondary school and am looking for someone in Mumbia to interview via Skype to help my students understand the events of the past week. Would you be interested in participating?

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