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Terrorists attack Mumbai (Bombay) Nov 26th 2008 The Begining
Terrorists attack Mumbai (Bombay) Nov 27th 2008 The Battle Continues
Terrorists attack Mumbai (Bombay) Nov 28th 2008 2 down 1 to go
Important Helpline Numbers of different hospitals, consulates, blood bank.
List of People Injured and Shot Dead by Terrorists in Mumbai
Areas under attack:
- Taj Hotel – Operation Cyclone still on
- Oberoi Hotel – Now Secured
- Nariman House at Colaba – Now Secured
29th Nov 2009
Nariman house at Colaba is finally secured. 5 hostages and 2 terrorists were killed during the operation officially named “Black Tornado“.
Earlier in the day all hostages from Oberoi-Trident hotel were rescued and terrorists killed. One thing which scares me is that the terrorists were well dressed and spoke good english… they could have easily escaped along with other hostages…
From what i have heard the number of people shot dead in Oberoi hotel is far more from what appears and is seen in the TV channels.
“Operation Cyclone” is currently underway at Taj hotel
- NSG Terrorist changing position inside Taj hotel [00:23 am]
- 3-4 Terrorist could be holed up at Taj hotel
- Two terrorist cornered by NSG commandos [00:34]
- Operation Cyclone is still on. 3 terrorist killed in Taj heritage wing [9:10am]
- Terrorist had 15kg of RDX on them. Plan was to blow up Taj hotel
- Death toll at 195! [1:00 pm]
- The saga ends!
17 responses so far ↓
1 blogpost » Mumbai Terror Attack // Nov 27, 2008 at 2:46 am
[…] Blogs: Maitri Vatul Kunal Sheth […]
2 Stuti // Nov 27, 2008 at 3:30 am
The Taj’s dome…
The top cops…
Innocent lives…
Monetary losses…
Mumbai, India’s reputation…
Some repairable, some irrevocable…
This goes deeper than the usual terror attacks. There has to be something deeper to have triggered this kind of a plot, a strategy.
We’ve lost a lot. And media has helped us lose it by covering every detail outside these spots and providing precise and up to date information to the terrorists hidden inside hotel rooms, with television sets. Media, this is the last straw.
3 ankita // Nov 27, 2008 at 2:05 pm
dont blame the govrnemnt. make ur own governement. Make a party.Stand for elections.Its easy to stay away from the syetem and blame it.Become a part of it and try changing it.
Good luck with the updating.Good Job
4 Live Blogging - Mumbai Terrorist Attacks | BlogAdda Blog // Nov 27, 2008 at 4:00 pm
[…] Kunal Sheth – Terrorists attack Mumbai (Bombay) […]
5 List of People Injured and Shot Dead by Terrorists in Mumbai (Bombay) - Life’s short Live it up! // Nov 27, 2008 at 9:09 pm
[…] Live update of Terrorists attack Mumbai (Bombay) […]
6 riya bamniyal // Nov 28, 2008 at 2:17 am
instead of playin thz blame games we shud work on the betterment of out country.we are the youth and we can make it happen if we are really willing to make a difference. we should start contributing in out country’s personal,political affairs. all our politicians have one foot in grave thy are dat old..ol ve need is some young ideas, fresh set of law and order.etc..if ve want india to emerge as a super power thn we shud take measurments right away. our politicians , police men are not the only ppl suckin up nations money, ppl frm doctors to school principals to a sadhu who preachs innocent ppl. instead of critisizing it we should rather put our foot down n get up n do somethin bout it. start voting , get into politics, introduce new means dat’l encourage ppl from small towns n villages to send thr kids to school.. appreciate the efforts and lives of our jawans n police men who put thr lives in danger to protect us. the least we can do is give thm gud pay packages. dis way d corruption shud olso cut down..and d best way to teach these corrupt politicians a lesson is by raiding thr houses n finding out ol d property n money..thy own crores ppl..jokes apart.. its ol our money..v d common man. les do somethin bout it.
wat say?
7 List of Indian Bloggers Live-Blogging the Mumbai Terror Attacks | Gauravonomics Blog // Nov 28, 2008 at 4:43 am
[…] Kunal Sheth (1, 2, 3, […]
8 retesh // Nov 28, 2008 at 11:44 pm
Yes we need to help ourselves … how , what are we doing
as Nike says ‘just do it’… what are we doing till date we were always saying Muslim terrorism … but now what are we seeing Hindu terrorism…
Let us think rationally , why do we allow likes of raj Thakrey to steer us in to hooliganism. Why don’t we start doing basic things right
Clean the city
Start taking interest in the politics
Question things
9 Sachin // Nov 29, 2008 at 7:51 pm
Extremely heavy and sustained gunfire was heard inside the Taj Mahal Palace hotel shortly before 0730 (0200 GMT) on Saturday, as soldiers rushed into the lobby in a bid to flush out the remaining few gunmen.
Firefighters then worked to contain fierce flames and thick smoke that billowed from the building’s lower floors.
Soldiers near Taj Mahal
The BBC’s Mark Dummett at the scene says the search is now on for any surviving militants who may be hiding in the hotel’s 400 rooms, but security officials say they think the operation is now over.
All eyes will now be on India’s investigation of the attacks, our correspondent says, with questions already being asked about the failure of its intelligence agencies to uncover the plans.
The commandos suspect that the militants knew the hotel well because they were very mobile during the course of the siege, he says, making it extremely difficult for security forces to secure an area in order to evacuate guests.
Some have described this as India’s 9/11, our correspondent adds, and people in India now want answers as to who is responsible.
Blasts had rung out for most of Friday after truckloads of commandos entered the premises.
A journalist and bystander outside the hotel were taken to hospital after being hit by shrapnel.
Indian commandos who managed to enter other parts of the Taj say they found at least 30 bodies in one hall.
Fighting appears to have ended at the other key flashpoints in Mumbai, chief among them the Oberoi-Trident hotel – where nearly 100 people were rescued and 24 bodies were found earlier on Friday.
But at Nariman House, the Mumbai base of Chabad-Lubavitch, a New York-based orthodox Jewish organisation, the news was grim.
The organisation confirmed that Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, had been killed alongside his wife, Rivka. Their two-year-old son survived.
The Holtzbergs had moved to India in 2003 from New York to run the Mumbai branch of the outreach organisation, which offers services and hospitality to Jewish travellers.
The bodies were removed from the building early on Saturday.
The stand-offs began late on Wednesday when gunmen armed with automatic weapons and grenades opened fire indiscriminately on crowds at a major railway station, the two hotels, the Jewish centre, a hospital and a cafe frequented by foreigners.
Indian media have reported that at least 154 people have been killed since Wednesday, with around 370 injured, the vast majority Indian citizens.
An Indian official said the toll could rise much higher.
At least 18 foreigners are known to have died, including victims from Germany, Japan, Canada, Australia, Italy and Singapore. One Briton, Andreas Liveras, has been killed.
A claim of responsibility for this week’s attacks – the worst in India’s commercial capital since nearly 200 people were killed in a series of bombings in 2006 – has been made by a previously unknown group calling itself the Deccan Mujahideen.
However, most intelligence officials are keeping an open mind as the attacks have thrown up conflicting clues, BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner says.
10 Proud Indian // Nov 29, 2008 at 11:49 pm
Why is it that it always takes a Kargil or Mumbai for our whole nation to recognize the sacrifices and bravery of our Armed Forces? In the need of hour our Defense personals have always delivered and served with dignity and honor; right from Abdul Hameed to Vikram Batra.
Also media plays an important part in formulating peoples decision’s/opinions and should be careful in what they say and how.
It has not been less than a month that integrity/dedication/honesty of our Armed Personnel’s/ Police was being questioned by our nation (which includes Politician, Media and us the General Public)
I hope we can see through the deceitful politics and a new era of Politicians will immerge; In the last few days have a heard a lot on Indian News channels of how we need a Obama to save us when this great nation of ours have produced capable and efficient leaders like Sardar Patel, Lal Bahadur shastri and Indira Gandhi.
We need new breed of Patel’s, Shastri’s and Indira’s to run this great Nation of ours. We need new philosophers/scientist’s/visionaries like Abul Kalam’s
It’s a old Hindi saying
Aanakta mei Eakta yeh hai Hind ki Vishasta
I hope we will retrospect in ourselves and rather than fighting and blaming each other will come out strong as a nation.
Jai Hind
A Proud Indian
11 dalbir malaysia // Nov 30, 2008 at 7:03 pm
Hai there i am shock what happen in mumbai my deep sadness for the victims and familly. I feel the indian goverment caught with their pants down again….the indian goverment are spending millions dollars in nuclear energy but why cant the spend in improving military and local police equipments. why it took 3 hrs to responds this incident…..they had to bring comandos from new delhi…..
12 drks // Dec 2, 2008 at 3:27 pm
I do not know what is this blogging or……
But all the young Indains( because old can not think above money and vote here) should protest against these politicians and their old Vote bank policy, just like in Quota Issue. I wish that only educated and from non criminal back ground could decide policy matters.
13 Richa // Dec 3, 2008 at 5:00 pm
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14 amir // Dec 3, 2008 at 8:33 pm
yeah I agree with you kunal terrorist could have escape disguised as hostages someone told me that only five bodies were seen being removed from jewish centre…?????
helloooo…… if it’s true where did the bodies of the two terrorist vanished?
15 kiran // Dec 5, 2008 at 7:57 pm
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16 Interview with Kunal Sheth | BlogAdda Blog // Apr 2, 2009 at 4:45 pm
[…] His blog is a mixture of technology as well as interesting personal thoughts. His post during the Mumbai Terrorist attacks became an instant hit and he helped a lot of people with real […]
17 Shrinidhi Hande // Sep 26, 2010 at 5:16 pm
Appreciate your good work. visited all the terrorist hit places in South mumbai recently, felt proud of our commandos
Yes, terrorists escaping as civilians was a possibility and live coverage of operations in tv was a boon to those masterminding attacks
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